Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week 27

This week we finished the house and got it on the market. Three days later we had two offers and accepted one! I am so happy the selling went so quick but it reminded me of Thanksgiving. You spend all day preparing a meal and then it is gone in 30 min. We met the family who is buying our house and they seem very nice. Hopefully all goes well in the next month and we are able to close. It did sink in that we now have to switch gears and find a new place to live in the next 3-4 weeks!

 In addition to working on the house on Tuesday I met up with my friend Katie and sis Kaaryn to go to a toddler program in Fife. When we got there we found out that it is postponed for the summer but they did have a playground program our kids attended instead but it was just doing a craft. Katie and I decided we are going to just start having our own program since we can't seem to find one. Tuesday night Judah started swim class. He HATED it. He clang to me and yelled I am done for about 15 of the 30 min. We have 7 more sessions so I hope he gets used to it.

Wed I met up with kar, katie, and Blair to take Judah to the South Park splash park. Judah was scared at first but then had a blast. He has been very clinging lately and his favorite word is help but it is kind of nice he is less of a daredevil.
Thur we got to hang out with Joshua all day because he had the day off but he had to work on listing our house. He did get to come to swim class with us and Judah was better. He let us turn him around so he didn't have to cling to us the whole time.

Fri the 4th we spent at the Fores with my mom and went to their neighborhood BBQ. We had a great time.
 Sat we went for a nice family bike ride in orting.

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