Sunday, December 29, 2013

New words, no more school

This week Joshua finished his last online class! After four years we are thrilled he is done and will have more time! Judah continues to grow like a weed and is learning more each day. After 8 months of us signing to him, he has finally started singing back. He can sign "dog, all done, hat, eat", and "milk". We are working on please and thank you currently. He also has more words he loves to say including "on, bye bye, mom, dad", and "uh oh". If onomatopeias count he has also learned to say kiss, though it sounds like "mmmmmuh."
This week our neighbors decided to string Christmas lights from their house to the neighbors across the street. They invited us out to watch the lighting and it was a blast. We finished the week with our small group Christmas party and Joshua's work Christmas party.  We snuck out of the last party early to catch the Hobbit!

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