Sunday, December 29, 2013


We have had a wonderful Christmas week. Both Joshua and I have been off the whole week and are loving spending time with Judah as a family. We went to Christmas Eve service at Calvary and then spent the evening at my dads house. It was a blessing to have my Grandma with us this year since she recently moved to Puyallup. We spent Christmas day at my moms house. It was a wonderful time celebrating God's gift of his son.

 On Thursday my mom watched Judah while we went on a double date with Kaaryn and Willie to see the Hunger games. Loved it!!! Then on Friday Krista and Michael had us up to Seattle to get together with my dad's side of the family. After spending time at her house for a while we took Judah on his first adventure to Pike's Place Market and went to look at Christmas lights!

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