Sunday, December 29, 2013


We have had a wonderful Christmas week. Both Joshua and I have been off the whole week and are loving spending time with Judah as a family. We went to Christmas Eve service at Calvary and then spent the evening at my dads house. It was a blessing to have my Grandma with us this year since she recently moved to Puyallup. We spent Christmas day at my moms house. It was a wonderful time celebrating God's gift of his son.

 On Thursday my mom watched Judah while we went on a double date with Kaaryn and Willie to see the Hunger games. Loved it!!! Then on Friday Krista and Michael had us up to Seattle to get together with my dad's side of the family. After spending time at her house for a while we took Judah on his first adventure to Pike's Place Market and went to look at Christmas lights!

Christmas dancing

Because of our crazy schedules this year we were not able to get out Christmas cards or have our usual  Couples Christmas party but we did enjoy receiving them from others.

Judah has been cracking us up lately. He is ALL BOY. Loves sword fighting, balls and now drumming. What a character :)

New words, no more school

This week Joshua finished his last online class! After four years we are thrilled he is done and will have more time! Judah continues to grow like a weed and is learning more each day. After 8 months of us signing to him, he has finally started singing back. He can sign "dog, all done, hat, eat", and "milk". We are working on please and thank you currently. He also has more words he loves to say including "on, bye bye, mom, dad", and "uh oh". If onomatopeias count he has also learned to say kiss, though it sounds like "mmmmmuh."
This week our neighbors decided to string Christmas lights from their house to the neighbors across the street. They invited us out to watch the lighting and it was a blast. We finished the week with our small group Christmas party and Joshua's work Christmas party.  We snuck out of the last party early to catch the Hobbit!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Seahawks, Spoon Fights, and Pancakes

      Our weeks have been as busy as always, between my attending school and working (Joshua) and Allison working and pushing through her National Board Certification. But we make sure to have fun amidst the hectic schedules :)
    This week we had some quality time at home with Judah. He has picked up on sword fighting somehow and is working his way through household items, including the doorstop dowel and the kitchen spoons.
     We also spent a weekend morning at the Original Pancake House with Judah
and watched the Hawks game at home.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 59: Christmas tree time

This week we got in the Christmas spirit and got our tree. It is a lot of fun with a kid who is aware this year and loves to look at the lights!
 I wanted to post a few flash backs from last year. How quickly our baby became a little boy

 Caught playing with the lights and tree topper

Week 58: Great Grandma and more adventures

My Grandma moved to Washington this month and we are so excited to have her close. Judah got to go visit her with us this week. He really enjoyed her rocking chairs especially when he figured out how to make it rock all by himself.

 Judah is now more mobile than ever which is creating a few problems.... He has discovered how to get food out of the pantry for himself.

 Judah was watching Daddy mow the lawn. He loves watching him work.
 Judah normally will not leave on hats but he liked this Husky one.

In addition to walking more this week Judah said Bye and started giving us hugs and kisses!