Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Week 16: work, work, work

The time has finally come that I had to return to work. I thought I was going to be a mess but I actually handled it well. Lucky me I have great babysitters in my mom, dad, and a nanny. Here is my smiley boy my first day back. 

Joshua is also very busy at work this week. He has a lot of overtime because the bridge he is working on opens this week. On Sunday Judah and I got to attend Kaaryn and Willie's nephews baptism. So excited for Luke. Judah got worn out at church and feel asleep.

 After church we headed up to the Fries house to celebrate the baptism. Audrey wanted to hold Judah even though he is about half her size. She is convinced he is her cousin because Mia is her cousin and Judah's. So cute.

Krista, Micahel, and Tristan were up this weekend house shopping for their move so we got to hang out one night.

Judah is practicing to feed himself! Hoping it catches on soon. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 15: crafty

Joshua had a very hectic week at work and had a lot of overtime. The bridge construction he is working on should be coming to an end soon and we look forward to seeing where he will be in the future. This little monster looks forward to daddy coming home each day. 

I think the realization that I go back to work next week finally set in and I got busy making decorations for our house when Judah was napping and snuggling when he was awake

This week Judah started holding up his head so he could sit in his chair. He is enjoying playing with his toys and bopping his head to the music. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 14: Three months

This week we hit Judah's three month milestone. Time is going so quickly but I am enjoying each moment with him. We are so blessed to have such a great little (well kinda of big) boy.
Judah and I got to take a meal to my friend Savanna this week and visit her cute tiny twins Coral and Dahlia. Lucky for me Judah slept most of the time so I got to play with the girls. Their mom posted this picture of them and a picture of her and her twin sister with the mustaches as well.

I love putting Judah in clothes other then onsies. Tried out these adorable overalls this week and Joshua says "its not helping with making him not look huge" woops, hahah. How can you not love those cheeks!!!!!

Judah cheered on the seahawks with us and was sad to see them lose. We sure thought we had it at the end.

 And we finished the week visiting Joshua's friends church in Bellevue. It was a great word and a joy to be there and I had another excuse to put Judah in some cute little man clothes!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 13: It's a new year

Happy 2013!

We started the week attending a wedding shower for a long time friend from church. She has been living in London and is marring a guy from there so we made head pieces in honor of the British. Judah was a champ hanging out with all the ladies.

For New Years Eve we had my mom and the Fores over and played new games we got for Christmas. We were very happy to make it to Midnight!

Judah was rocking his super cute bathrobes this week. Although his ever growing belly is getting to big for them.
Judah practiced a lot of tummy time so he can use his big boy toys. We found unique ways to do tummy time!

 I decided that it was time to pull it together and start working out to get back in shape. Joshua and I did a lot of WII sport together!
And we finished off the week with church at Calvary. Judah was enjoying watching Pastor Ray on the big screen.