Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week Seven: Happy Thanksgiving

This was a wonderful week spent with Allison's side of the family. Krista, Michael, and Tristan came up and we traveled to Oregon for Thanksgiving day. Joshua and Judah took a pre-meal nap. He sure is daddy's boy


Mia is just a doll as always!

Grandma Barb got time with both her new Grandbabies

The day after Thanksgiving we went to an Apple Cup party at Grandpa Rick's house. Judah does not have any purple and gold so we decided to root for the cougars. Grandpa Rick still was willing to hold Judah even though he was rooting for the wrong team ;)  Lucky for us the cougars won!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week Six: Church

We were able to get organized enough to go to Judah's first church service this week. Our friends from small group were having their two little girls dedicated and had asked us to come. Judah was excellent the first half of service enjoying the music and looking around until he decided he was hungry. Joshua was able to give him a bottle during the service and our son let out three loud burps during the sermon to the amusement of those around us.  He also managed to pee through his clothes but luckily we always pack another pair! So all and all it was a successful first attempt.

This week Judah had his one month check up that we were looking forward to because he recently drastically increased his eating. He seems to want to eat all the time and will eat so much he throws up. The doctor said we can go ahead and feed him what he wants and possibly he is trying to fatten up for the winter. His record so far is 40oz in a day...Silly boy

Auntie Kar and cousin Mia came over to keep us company on Thursday while Joshua had work and school and Uncle Willie was hunting. We tried to have Judah and Mia take a nap in the same crib but that didnt work for long because Judah still has his cold and could not be laid flat. But we did succeed in getting them both to nap for two hours at the same time! Judah also got a visit from his Grandma Barb and got to enjoy her reading a book to him.

This picture below cracks me up. Judah was sleeping in bed with me because of his stuffy nose and Joshua decided he wanted to take a picture. Unfortunately neither Judah nor I like a bright light of the flash while sleeping so he got this picture instead of the sweet one he was trying to take :)

 We ended the week with our friends Paul and Katie's wedding. Once again Judah was perfect for us! So excited for Thanksgiving next week!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week Five: Auntie K is here!


 Krista came to visit us this week which was fantastic! We got to do lots of fun activities with her here. Luckily we had beautiful weather all week so we got to go for a lot of walks!

We also spent time with Kaaryn, Willie, and Mia. Judah got tired at the Fores house so we borrowed Mia's vibrating chair and blanket. Real men like pink right?

We also did a lot of dining out this week. Judah was excellent at the restaurants. We went to the Original Pancake House and I had the most delicious coconut pancakes. I would highly recommend them.

This week is one of our favorites every year! PRE SELECTION CHRISTMAS TREE
We got to go twice this year. We went opening weekend with Krista and picked out a tree and then went back the next weekend with Grandma Barb and the Fore's to pick out their trees. Also since Joshua was in the Christmas mood he got started hanging up our lights. Don't worry, we wont turn them on until after Thanksgiving. Joshua just thought it would be nice to get them up while we still had decent weather.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Week Four: Trick or Treat

We got to experience our first with Trick or Treaters this year. We have moved to a big neighborhood and had a ton of kids stop by. I only bought enough candy to last an hour, I will have to get more next year! Judah was a trooper and slept through everyone ringing the bell. So I just held him in my arms and answered the door with him. I dont know why my son sleeps through all Holiday activities. Ha

I tried bathing Judah in the sink and he did not like it but we discovered he LOVES showering. So now that is his and daddies special time.

This week we made a sign for Cousin Mia so she can get some sleep and stop any trick or treaters or solicitors from coming by.

Lastly Joshua and I went on our first date without our little love. Joshua took me to Wicked for my birthday. It was so awesome and I managed to be away from Judah without checking in too many times.