Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 51

 Ember loves that she can move around now and has really found her voice. She squeals all the time
 We had the girls over for cooking making and took them to the neighbors.
We got to take Judah to the NW Harvest to pick up food for the Orting food bank. I told Judah we were helping hungry people and he said he needed his super hero cape.
When we were reading about Jesus being born in the stable because there was no room in the inn Judah said he would build a house for him.

Judah cracks us up with his sayings all the time. The other day he said to me "are you ready to roll" when we got into the car. His other new favorite saying is "I have no idea" when you ask him a question. Joshua's favorite is when Judah starts out a nonsense story with "sometimes......"

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