Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 47

Happy 6th month Birthday Ember Grace

We can not believe it has already been half a year! This little peanut had a busy week. She got her first tooth and then followed that up with hand foot and mouth. Poor baby girl. She has been such a trooper about it though.
This week is I is for Igloo/Ice. Judah was LOVING his new artic animals and "snow" he is so easy to please. We also went to the zoo (we are not messing around with this year membership) to see the arctic animals. On the way there Judah saw the Tacoma Dome and started yelling "I found it. I found the Gloo" AKA igloo. I did not have the heart to explain to him that the Tacoma dome is not an igloo.
Judah also got to experience a childhood tradition from my family. The Fores gave him a snoopy snow cone maker for his birthday just like we had when we were kids!

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