Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 47

Happy 6th month Birthday Ember Grace

We can not believe it has already been half a year! This little peanut had a busy week. She got her first tooth and then followed that up with hand foot and mouth. Poor baby girl. She has been such a trooper about it though.
This week is I is for Igloo/Ice. Judah was LOVING his new artic animals and "snow" he is so easy to please. We also went to the zoo (we are not messing around with this year membership) to see the arctic animals. On the way there Judah saw the Tacoma Dome and started yelling "I found it. I found the Gloo" AKA igloo. I did not have the heart to explain to him that the Tacoma dome is not an igloo.
Judah also got to experience a childhood tradition from my family. The Fores gave him a snoopy snow cone maker for his birthday just like we had when we were kids!

Week 46

Oh Christmas tree!!!

This week Joshua went to Arkansas to visit his dad and I stayed home with the kiddos. Judah continued to work on school every week. I gave him his favorite this week so he would not be sad about dad being gone. H is for hero. The night before Joshua left he was able to get the bad guys with the spider web (silly string) with Judah. When Joshua got back on Saturday we went to our yearly pre selection at Double tree farm. We love our little sneak peak of Christmas. 

Week 45

Happy Halloween

My friends gave me apples from their picking as a thank you for watching their kids. So I spent the week canning like crazy. 
This week Charlotte came up to do tot school with us. Judah was so excited to have a friend. He can now count up to 6, or 9 on a good day. He loves to point out the letter A and will find other letters if given an example. He is doing pretty good with shapes and not making any progress with colors yet. This week G is for Garden

 Seed sorting

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 44

This week we got to have Judah's friends over for a sleepover while their parents went apple picking. 

 Hey there cowboy. Judah is obsessed with TV and movies. He needed to where his woody Pj's while watching Toy Story, 
 Joshua was able to go hiking with some friends from work and enjoy Mt. Rainier.
Ember is such a busy girl. She talks very loudly ALL the time. She can not sit yet because every time I get her sat up she reaches for something and falls over. She can quickly roll herself across the room if she sees something she wants. She also loves attention. If you leave her on her own she will yell for you.