Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Week 30

Joshua and his little princess at a lunch date. We were blessed with some gift cards from Joshua's clients and got to meet up for lunch.

We met up with Kaaryn and the girls to go on a walk at the Nisqually wildlife refuge. Judah and Mia had fun in the double stroller.They hadn't used it in two years. SO much bigger now!

At small group this week Alice decided to dress up Judah in costumes and he allowed it. Even put on high heal princess shoes. Silly boy. Judah is always cracking us up with new things he learns and says. We tried to teach him the phrase "bam bam bam peanut butter jam" instead he says "bam bam bam jelly butter!" He also has loves playing with his toy super hero guys and will say "you are my bad guy you make bad choices" I guess mom may remind him he has made a bad choice from time to time....

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