Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 40: summer fun

THis week we have continued to enjoy the warm weather. Kaaryn and Willie moved closer to us so Kaaryn walked over to see how long it would take, 35 min one way. Not too bad. We decided to walk Kaaryn home, Judah fell asleep. 

On Thursday I met up with Krista, Tristan, Mia, and Kaaryn in Seattle to walk Lake Union. We ended up walking 8 miles but we took lots of breaks since we had a six year old. He did such a great job! When we got back to the cooks Tristan entertained his cousins by playing his drums :)

 Judah has been pretty fussy this night especially during nap time. One time Uncle Kristian came to his rescue and let him stay up watching movies with him. Haha

We finished off the week with are annual Yakima raft trip. 

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