Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 41: Zoo and Happy Birthday Mia Lou

It is really nice having Krista up here because she likes to get Tristan out for a lot of activities and I get to come along while on summer break. This week we went to the Zoo. Judah got to pet the goats he kept giggling! I sure love this boy. He also loved the fish following them with his hands. He tried to crawl in with the sting rays although he was much more focused on splashing the water then touching the sting rays.

We spent Friday and Saturday getting ready and celebrating Mia Lou's first birthday. 

Farmers Market

Judah is my little water baby. Can't wait to get him into swim lessons 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 40: summer fun

THis week we have continued to enjoy the warm weather. Kaaryn and Willie moved closer to us so Kaaryn walked over to see how long it would take, 35 min one way. Not too bad. We decided to walk Kaaryn home, Judah fell asleep. 

On Thursday I met up with Krista, Tristan, Mia, and Kaaryn in Seattle to walk Lake Union. We ended up walking 8 miles but we took lots of breaks since we had a six year old. He did such a great job! When we got back to the cooks Tristan entertained his cousins by playing his drums :)

 Judah has been pretty fussy this night especially during nap time. One time Uncle Kristian came to his rescue and let him stay up watching movies with him. Haha

We finished off the week with are annual Yakima raft trip. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 39: 4th of July and Uncle Kristian

We are getting used to our little bug being on the go. He is keeping us busy. He found daddy's shoes this week and also crawled over to his diaper bag, pulled out his cheerio dispenser and helped himself, that silly boy.

Joshua was able to snag this walker for Judah from some church friends and he loves it. Our silly boy doesn't use it to walk yet.

 This year we spent the 4th of July at the Cooks new house in Seattle so we could see the Gas Works Park fireworks show.

This week Joshua's brother moved up to Washington. Joshua was excited to take him on a sunrise hike to the Fremont Lookout at Mt. Rainier.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 38: camping

We spent the first half of this week in Idaho continuing to relax. It was kind of a bummer because the weather was not great and we spent a lot of time inside. I read three books and did three puzzles with my mom and sister. On Wednesday I did get to go visit my good friend Jen since she moved to Idaho and that was very exciting. And luckily the condo had an indoor pool so we could swim every day.

 One night we had dinner at the park and I got Judah to take this cute pick to send to Joshua
Krista read the boys nighttime stories

Directly after getting back from Idaho we left for camping with are small group (literally a two hour turn around) We had such a blast hiking, swimming, playing poker and hanging out. 

 We thought it would be funny to put both kids in the floaty. The things we moms do :)
 Joshua made us all go under the water sooooo many times so he could try and get a photo. Ha we are such a bunch of kids.
 Poor charlotte did not think it was cute or funny that Judah was touching her hair. 
Two new major things happened this week. When we were at the condo Judah started crying and saying what sounded like mom when he was tried. I figured it was just him making noises. However he continued to do it while camping and if Joshua tried to pick him up he would keep saying it and looking at me until I would get him. So I don't know maybe it is a coincidence but it sure seems like my kiddo has gotten down "mom". And the other big thing is when we got back from camping he decided to crawl for the first time!