Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 30: loving the weather and a lovely wedding

This week was busy with all kinds of exciting activities and developments. Judah is getting to be such a big boy. We love watching him grow. He now eats dinner with us each night and can sit on his own!

Mid week we hit up the Puyallup Fair consignment sale to get summer clothes for Judah. We had left over $ from my parents and Joshua's dad. Love spending others money on clothes :) 
Judah says thanks grandparents!! We also met with our accountant mid-week to see about setting up an education fund for Judah. Thanks Great-Grandma for the Christmas startup money for that!!

Joshua spent the week continuing to work hard on our yard and get my garden beds ready for me. So excited to start growing edible plants. Hope I don't kill them like all my other plants! 

On Saturday we watched Mia Lou and Judah had a blast playing with his cousin. The cuteness of his faces and eyebrows kill me. And her little doll face. These two with their cheeks!!

We finished Saturday night with Kristen and Tom's wedding. It was so beautiful out and great to celebrate with friends and family. We drove Mia to the wedding to meet up with Kaaryn and this is what we found when we got there and opened her door. Silly girl :)

Sunday we relaxed in the yard,  enjoyed the sun and reading.  Finished the night at C7 youth group!

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