Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 32: March for babies

This weekend we got to participate in the March of Dimes and raise money for healthy babies.

Afterward, we went over to our friends JD and Jen's house for lunch.

And finished the day with Blaine's 2nd Birthday. Judah got to try his first Apple Straw!

This is how our little bugaboo sleeps now (Caught him during nap time)

So happy to have daddy's apple.
And the biggest news of the week is Judah's first tooth has broke through his gums!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 31: Mothers day and 7 months old

We have continued to try new foods with Judah and he continues to dislike most vegetables. So far green beans were the worst. He took one bite and spit it out. Then I tricked him into a second bite and he made himself start gagging until he threw up. Nice. He did not like beats until I mixed them with apple sauce but we got them down :)

He possibly did his first sign this week. Joshua was at his graduation rehearsal breakfast and Judah did the sign for eat. He was rewarded with some of dads banana. We will see if he uses it again. He still gets very excited when we sign milk, mom, and dad so he is recognizing them at least :)

Joshua's mom flew up on Thursday and spent five days with us. Judah loved spending time with his Grandma Wendy.

Saturday was so busy. We had Joshua's graduation in the morning and then Judah's dedication at church in the evening. In between we had like 15 min at home so we put Judah in the pool real quick to cool him down from being so hot in the car seat all morning. He loved it. Splashed like crazy! Cant wait until it gets warm again.

Sunday we celebrated Mothers day at Northwest Trek. Great day playing with Judah and watching the animals. We tried to get a picture of Judah holding his stuffed owl with real owl's behind him. But he wasn't having it.

We finished the week reading from his new Bible Grandma Barb gave him.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 30: loving the weather and a lovely wedding

This week was busy with all kinds of exciting activities and developments. Judah is getting to be such a big boy. We love watching him grow. He now eats dinner with us each night and can sit on his own!

Mid week we hit up the Puyallup Fair consignment sale to get summer clothes for Judah. We had left over $ from my parents and Joshua's dad. Love spending others money on clothes :) 
Judah says thanks grandparents!! We also met with our accountant mid-week to see about setting up an education fund for Judah. Thanks Great-Grandma for the Christmas startup money for that!!

Joshua spent the week continuing to work hard on our yard and get my garden beds ready for me. So excited to start growing edible plants. Hope I don't kill them like all my other plants! 

On Saturday we watched Mia Lou and Judah had a blast playing with his cousin. The cuteness of his faces and eyebrows kill me. And her little doll face. These two with their cheeks!!

We finished Saturday night with Kristen and Tom's wedding. It was so beautiful out and great to celebrate with friends and family. We drove Mia to the wedding to meet up with Kaaryn and this is what we found when we got there and opened her door. Silly girl :)

Sunday we relaxed in the yard,  enjoyed the sun and reading.  Finished the night at C7 youth group!