Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 16

Joshua started playing softball for Fife so we went and watched him. Reminds me of when I was little and watched my dad play :)

The kids continue to be a joy to be around lately. 
Both learn new things all the time and keep things interesting

Week 15

Happy 11 months Ember Grace 

I was so lucky that it was super nice on my spring break and got to get out and play with my kiddos. Joshua took a weekday off to meet us at the park!

We are so blessed to be in a bible study group with others who have kids the same age.

Because it was warm I decided to let Ember try swimming. It did not go well.
Joshua and I have continued to do workouts together every night and are having a great time!
I took Embers Paci away to get a picture and she sure was not happy with me.

Joshua and I also got another date night at the Valley Guys and Dolls Auction raising money to fight breast cancer!

Week 14

Joshua decided while we are trying to lose weight and get in shape he is going to compete in the Spartan Race. So he has been adding in some extra running!
I got to go to a big sale at the Puyallup Fair for kids clothes. So Joshua took Judah to work with him which luckily involved bowling!

We had a sunny day so I took all my babies on a walk. Lucky me Ember likes the Ergo so I can take the dogs too!

Week 13

Happy Easter!!! He is Risen

Joshua and I went to a little getaway at Robin Hood Village as his birthday present. It was amazing to get quality time together!

Judah got to have an Easter egg hunt at his babysitters. Poor Ember slept through it.
We also got to celebrate with our small group and watch Eleanor being dedicated.

Week 12

Joshua bought new sign holders for open houses and Judah Bear got to test them out as a fort
Judah is such a fun by who loves going pn adventures with his daddy doing guy stuff
Judah is so sweet with Ember always tickling her to make laugh. He also loves to wrestle with her. 
Cute cousins