Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week 41

This week we got to watch Tristan playing Soccer. Judah kept wanting to go out and play too. Next month at the Y he gets to take the sports class!

Lovin this cute little peanut 

Week 40

We have decided to do a "preschool" at home with Judah. We have a new theme, letter, color, shape, and number each week. Judah loves special projects and wants to work on it every day. However he is really struggling with colors and letters right now.

 "C is for construction"
 "D is for Dinosaur"
 Judah decided his lizzard needed a castle and that he was taking a nap with snacks and a blankie
Ember loves her echo but unfortunately she was trying to eat his face

Week 38

Week 39

The great thing about Joshua being a real estate agent and me working part time is being able to go on adventures during the week! This time it was the fair. Judah got to go on his first rides and he was so very excited. I was impressed with his ability to gratefully go on three rides and not wine when we told him that was it. We are so blessed with a son that rarely throws tantrums.

We finsihed the week with Ember, Neala and Everly's dedication at church. God blessed our families with these sweet girls. This is us pouting about the crazy long wait at dinner after church!