Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 37

We started the week celebrating Father's Day a few months late. I had given Joshua a whitewater rafting trip. So we dropped off the kids at grandmas and spent the day on Tieton river. This week I started back at work. It went very well. I love my new school Elk Plain and really love working part time. Other highlights of the week was ember turning 4 months old. She is growing so fast we are overwhelmed. She is such a sweet girl. She loves to play with Echo and smile at her brother. Her stats are tbd because I was late on scheduling doctor. We finished the week celebrating Evies birthday and watching first game of the Seahawks.
 Judah loves to read books. Ember loves watchimg Judah more then the books :)

Week 36

This week work finally slowed down for Joshua and we got to spend some extra time together. We took Judah to a jump house and hiking. We have a rough boy on our hands. He loves to wrestle with his cousin and daddy and has a hard time understanding that kids at the jump house don't want to be wrestled.

Judah and Ember got to go on their very first ferry ride to Whidbey Island. We went to Ebeys Landing and Judah hiked 2 miles! We were so proud of him. It was a wonderful day!

Week 35

Judah and I are savoring the last days of the summer. We found a little gem of a beach in federal way. Judah loved playing in the sand and water. I loved sitting in the sun. We also got a visit from our neighborhood deer!

Week 34

This week we celebrated mine and Joshua's birthday. The Cooks were able to come down early and go berry picking with us. We never get any home because Judah eats them all :)
The Seahwaks started their preseason and we are stoked to watch the games. Although Ember does not look too excited. She just started sitting up in her chair and it makes everything so much easier!
Judah has been cracking us up lately will all his funny sayings. Some of our favorites is calling his dinosaurs with spikes on the back his "spicy dinos". Instead of saying delicious he calls things "licious". He loves going on outings and will always yell "adventure time yay". And our very favorite is he says "I am mommy's dovey and daddy's heart" Because I call him my lovey dovey. He sure is a very sweet boy.

Week 33

 Judah and I went on a lot of adventures this week. We went to the flight musuem with Tristan and to Northwest Trek.

Judah is our sweet little snuggle bear. Every night he always asks "you snuggle me?" Such a lovely boy.

Ember is also a sweet snuggler who loves to be held and kissed.