Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 20

We started off the week celebrating mothers day. My dad and some of his side of the family including my grandma came to visit and meet Ember.
 Judah loves helping with Ember. He really wants to play with her and tries and brings her toys but for now has to settle with snuggling.
 I got really lucky with this birth and healed quick so I was able to get out with the kiddos. We went to the park and to see daddy at work and visited with my sisters and the cousins.
 And Ember had her first bath at home and she did not love it. She is a sweet girl who sleeps a ton but is not very happy when she is awake. Poor little peanut.

Week 19

This week I was off of work and got to spend some time with Judah. Joshua and I took him on a coffee date and to the park. Daddy is a bit more trusting them me. I was scared to see him in this tree!

On Thursday April 7th we went into labor and had our baby girl Friday morning at 12:42am. She was 7lbs15oz and 20in. Welcome to the family Ember Grace Meeks 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 18

Joshua finally had an extra min to do his version of nesting. He fixed up the yard, set up Judah's swing set and built a dog kennel. The dogs are in big trouble because they ate the couch! This week we went for a long walk trying to get Ember to come but all it got me is swollen feet, and achy body and a recommendation from my doc to stay home and rest instead of continuing working. Judah has been in rare form the last few weeks getting upset about everything. He will go from just fine to bawling because of the smallest things. Today was because we were driving and there were no trains going by. Poor little guy his world is so hard right now :)
Happy 40 weeks Ember. Hopefully the next time I post you are here and not more then a week over due!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Week 17

This week I was craving a doughnut. I have not had one for years and I figured I might as well eat one before I have to start losing baby weight. We gave Judah his first (and probably last for a long time) one too. Here is the before and after :)

Week 16

We have been trying to take Judah on adventures before his sister comes and this week was the spring fair. He loved looking at the animals.

Week 15 Easter

We started out Easter with daddy making Judah his name in a pancake and then went to church with Nana and Papa. After church we went to Grandma Barbs house and had an Easter egg hunt with Judah's cousins, played games, and enjoyed Easter dinner. He is risen.

Week 14

This week was my spring break and I was thrilled to get to spend a lot of time with Judah on special adventures and getting the house clean to be ready for Ember to be born.
We went to the park

To the Children's museum

 To the Bass pro shop with Grandma and Mia

To Wiggle Works with Charlotte, Mia, Everly, and Alice

To Robbie and Raelie's for a playdate. I learned that Judah can slow dance with a girl and spin her.... oh my

The highlight of the adventures was taking Judah on a special train ride. We used the money he won from the superbowl to take the train to Seattle and back. Judah loved it! He especially liked it when other trains passed us by.