Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 12

This week we went to the North Star musical Jungle Bok. /judah loved it and sat quietly for 45min. When it was over he asked for more. He also thought it was fun seeing "pappas" picture in the hall.
 Over the weekend we celebrated Great Grandma's and Pappa's birthday.

We finished the weekend playing our new game 7 wonders with the Cooks and Grandma Barb

Week 13

We are finally getting ready for Ember. Joshua painted her nursery and we got a new furniture set for Judah so we could move his to her room. Judah is so sweet and talks about her often. He had a little bit of a hard time watching all these presents go to her but he is adjusting. He did steal one giraffe rattle from her and insists on sleeping with it each night.

Week 10

Joshua has been doing great at Real Estate and loving what he does. He was able to take some time off for a special date night with Judah. Pizza and the park. Doesn't get much better.

Judah has been so funny lately with new sayings that we don't know where they come from. Like calling his paci his num nums. When I ask him if he pooped in his diaper he will tell me no he just sneezed.  He is obsessed with wearing glasses in the car and has gotten very independent. We hear "Judah do it" all day long. He loves dancing, bubbles, the slide, cooking, trains, animals, and Elmo.

Week 11

This week I was blessed with two baby showers. One at my work and one with family and friends. I was truly overwhelmed with how many people wanted to bless Ember. They way exceded my expectations.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 9

This week Joshua was able to go to Florida to visit his brothers and sisters and our niece and nephews. He spent a lot of time with them and played a lot of games. Judah and I missed him a lot but was thrilled he got to go.
Joshua brought back a Christmas present from Judah's Aunt Jennifer. She got him this amazing frog  that you can dance with. Judah loves it and now sleeps with it every night.