Thursday, February 26, 2015

Week 8

This week we registered for Baby Ember. Judah loved using the scanner to pick items.

Judah also appreciated the new toys at the doctors office for Embers appointment. We feel so blessed who can hang out at appointments for the 1.5 hour wait! Ember is doing great. Measuring the correct size. My doctor thinks she may have flipped and be head up which is ok with me for now because I don't have her feet in my lungs and ribs!

Week 7

This week we had our annual Valentines weekend trip. We got to go to Ocean Shores this time. Judah loved playing with his cousins and being at the beach.

Week 6

Judah has started to love helping out with cooking. Which is really fun most of the time but sometimes frustrating :) Although its fun to have special projects together since Joshua has to spend a lot of evenings working. This was his first cooking experience with muffins! The eggs may have missed the bowl a bit.
 The cooking has also improved his eating. He is now willing to try almost anything with at least one bite! Now every day when I say it is time to make dinner he runs and grabs measuring spoons and measuring cups. He is such a little helper.

Week 5

We watched the Superbowl at Grandpa Ricks. My dad does a game were you pick square to represent scores after each quarter. While sadly the Seahawks did not win Judah did! He one three of the four quarters and made $20. So we are saving it to go on a special adventure later. I think he got more and more confused why papa rick kept giving him money.

Week 4

Joshua has been busy with work and sold his first house this week! He loves what he does and works so hard at it. I look forward to when I am able to help him with admin stuff more.
Since Joshua has to be gone so much Judah and I have been doing more crafts together. Judah and I decided to use some money from his "piggy" to buy a few supplies for crafts. The slime is his favorite and we play with it every day. 

Week 3

The big excitement of this week was watching the Seahawks win the NFC championship with family.


Judah keeps being such a fun kid we wonder when these terrible two's are going to set in? The only issue we have is he bites me from time to time. But it is always at bed time when he is calm and not mad. So I think he may be teething or playing but I do not like it! This pic shows how big of a ham our little one is. He decided to lay out all his tools on the couch and pose and tell Joshua to take a picture. He is a joy to be around!