Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 2

I went back to work this week and struggled with missing being home with Judah. He has been so much fun lately I love hanging out with him. Plus I have appreciated the extra rest time while baby Ember continues to grow. A positive/negative was I only did work 3 days because I got the flu. Joshua continues to be crazy busy with real estate. He works so hard and is getting new leads all the time. I am very proud of him.

Judah continues to develop in his words and actions. This week he has decided to start reading to himself and continually surprises us with hew phrases he has learned. He is such a sweet boy and just adore having him.

This week Judah got a present his cousin Michael made him and he was so thrilled about it! We finished the week watching the Seahawks win yet again!

End of 2014 beginning of 2015 week 1

We celebrated the New Year at the Fores playing games and watching highlights, interviews, sound clips from last years Seahawks season including the Super Bowl. And we all actually made it until Midnight!

Joshua and I finished my vacation off by going to Leavenworth. It was a long drive there and back in the snow but we enjoyed having a family day and eating lots of chocolate :)