Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 51

CHRISTMAS. Our favorite holiday celebrating the birth of our savior! We spent Christmas Eve at church and at Grandpa Ricks.
Christmas day was at Grandma Barb's house. We had a blast opening presents, eating WAY too much food and playing games.

After Christmas we went for a walk on the Orting trail to get some exercise and Judah tried out his new scooter. 
Joshua and I finished the week with a family date in Seattle looking at gingerbread houses and trains

Week 50

Joshua decided to trade in his truck for car this week to get better gas miliage now that he is driving a lot for real estate. 
Judah has his first dance recital this week. It was very cute watching him with 6 little ballerinas. He did not understand tip toe walking and instead marched across the stage :)
Judah got to go see Santa with his cousins while I worked. I am lucky he has grandparents to take him.

Week 49

We got to go and find out what gender our new little peanut was this week. It took a bit of time but we found out we are having a little girl. So excited to meet Ember Grace Meeks.
Joshua has been running three miles 2-3 times a week with some of the guys from our small group. They decided for fun they would do a holiday 5k with our families. It was wet but fun.
Joshua worked hard getting the floors and downstairs bathroom done this week. It is nice to have a functioning kitchen to enjoy for a bit before we sell this house.
We finished the busy week by having friends and family over for Bunco. 

Week 48

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family and Judah and Mia got introduced to the Elf on the shelf. This Thanksgiving was particularly special because all my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my moms side were there. We don't remember the last time that happened. Also we enjoyed watching the Seahawks beat the 49ers but realized Judah may be watching too much football when he started tackling his cousin.

After Thanksgiving we went and got our tree and decorated it. Judah loved putting on ornaments and the star. He cried when we made him go to bed before it was finished.