Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week 47

Things have continued to busy at our house. Joshua works so hard to get our house fixed up to sell and is working a ton at real estate. I found out I passed my National Boards and was so thrilled to have that completed. I also have been busy growing our new little love. Finally feeling better and not so sick. It is great to get back to normal with my energy to complete household tasks and play with Judah. We finished the week watching Judah's friends Charlotte and Alice.

Week 46

We have really enjoyed watching the Seahawks this year. Here is to hoping they turn it around!

Week 45

This week we had our yearly tradition of pre selecting our Christmas tree. Our favorite. It was so fun thinking of Christmas right after Halloween. 

Week 44

This week we celebrated Halloween at my schools trick or trunk and trick or treating. Judah got the hang of knocking on doors and taking candy real quick.

Week 43

This week we got to go to the pumpkin patch. It was great having Judah be able to walk around and pick out his own pumpkin this year. Judah had such a blast painting. He had never got to do that before.

Week 42

 Judah was enjoying playing with his new toys from his birthday.
Our house has turned into a construction zone getting it ready to be sold in the future. Judah loves helping daddy work