Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 41

This week our precious little bug turned two. I can not believe how quickly it has gone. He is such a special boy and we adore him. I was lucky enough to have his birthday off from work and Joshua took a half day so we could go to the Olympia children's Museum. Judah had a blast.

On Saturday we went to Seattle to watch Tristan's soccer game. Judah sat the whole time and could not take his eyes off the field and then we celebrated Judah's cousin Elke's birthday.

Week 40

We celebrated Judah's second birthday this week because his cousin is having her party next week. We were blessed by our family and friends coming to celebrate our sweet little man.

Week 39

This week I took Judah to the All Bethel Community Day. He was thrilled to watch the singers and get a free ice cream. Afterwards we went to our friends the Snow's and visited with old church friends. However I failed to take any pictures of that.

Week 38

Joshua has continued to be very busy with real estate. He is taking classes and working with clients to help them buy homes. He loves what he is doing but it takes a lot of time to get started. Judah got to go with him to work one evening and had a blast playing in daddy's office.

Week 37

We were blessed this week to get to spend a family day at the fair. Judah got to try his first fair fries and burger while watching Muttin Bustin. We are still hoping he wants to do that in the future!