Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 36

I went back to work this week. Judah is having a hard time with child care. He does not want me to leave him. However when I pick him up he does not want to leave. Judah has continued to be a joy in our lives. He laughs easy and loves to snuggle. His two favorite things right now are jumping off the stairs and dancing.
Joshua has continued to be busy with real estate spending most of his time in the office during the week and hosting open houses on the weekend. He is very happy to be pursuing his dream. The highlight of this week was Everly June Fore born Thursday night right after the Seahawks victory.
Judah is such a sweet little helper. 
He was thrilled to push the cart at Tacoma Boys and pick out fresh produce

Week 35

We have been enjoying our last week of summer. Tuesday we celebrated my birthday by going for a swim with my sisters, closed the sale on our house and went out to dinner. 
                                        Judah enjoyed filling up and swimming in our pool

                                        Nothing says summer like a popsicle on a hot day
                      Judah and I walked the trail in our neighborhood and picked fresh blackberries
We finished the week meeting up with my family to go to the zoo and have dinner at the Cooks to celebrate my birthday. 

Week 34

This week Joshua got going with trying out real estate full time. Judah went to child care this week to get ready for me going back to work and also so I could attend a class and get the house ready for carpet. I ripped out all the carpet and trim in the upstairs by myself. I was pretty proud of that! We were so excited to finally get our carpet in so we can start to unpack the garage. And the dogs got a house built for them. We did not get to enjoy the carpet very long though because we took off to go camping with our friends the Tyree's for the weekend.