Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 23

This week was jammed packed. Joshua's dad flew up from San Diego for the week, our house was painted, and I took my National Board exams. It was so awesome our painter, Travis Culp, had his brother, dad, and grandpa all working with him.

Week 22

This week we continued with house projects but did make time to go to a friends house for game night!

Week 21

For memorial day we went camping in the Olympics with the Cooks. It only rained one day so we were able to get out exploring a lot!

Hoh Rain Forest

Squim State Park Campground

Sol Duc Hotsprings

Staircase Falls

Week 20

For mothers day Joshua and Judah took me to the buttered bisquit in Sumner and then sent me clothes shopping. This was a great gift because while Judah is super good at stores trying on clothes all day with him in tow is too much of a challenge.

This week we also continued to get the house ready to sell. We took out the rest of the carpet in the downstairs and put in hardwoods.

Week 19

Joshua took Judah on a walk while I studied

Also this week Joshua got his business cards for real estate