Saturday, May 3, 2014

Week 18

We are spending time working on the house getting it ready to sell so Joshua can continue to flip properties. Judah loves getting out his tools and helping daddy…. and playing with daddys tools Yikes

We also celebrated my mom and sisters birthdays this week. Judah decided he would rather wear Mia's beanie instead of his. So cute. He also has started "cooking" with me. Today he is cooking tomatoes :)

Week 17

We had another date night this week. We got to go to a Switchfoot concert. It was a blast and I love seeing them live but Joshua and I decided we are getting to old and picky and probably won't go to concerts without seats anymore. Haha so lame.

Even better then Switchfoot was celebrating Easter this week. 
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
Judah enjoying his first sticker
 We spent Easter at Grandma Barbs. 
The kids got to open Easter Baskets and have another Easter Egg hunt. 

 Judah was very focused on opening eggs and putting his money in the piggy bake. He is a good saver

 After dinner the kids decided to get together and play a song. Tristan is so patient with his cousins.

Week 16

We met up with my sisters and their husbands to watch a Mariners game on King Felix night. Yay for free shirts and date night!

Judah has continued to grow lately and loves helping around the house. He helps me unload the dishes and feed the dogs. He has been so fun and has such a great personality. He continues to be obsessed with balls and helping out daddy. He loves reading books and talking. He has gotten a lot of new teeth lately which has been a challenge for him. He still will not eat veggies unless I hide them and doesn't care for much other then carbs.

Family dog pile
 We got this cute book from our friends with a kid that looks like Judah. Its all about how God created our different body parts! So fun to read with him.

Week 15

Joshua finished up the deck he was doing for some friends and they gave us free tickets to the spring fair. We met up with Kaaryn and Mia there.
They had this awesome play area with all kinds of large games.
Mia wanted to touch the turtle

 This nice family invited Judah in to pet the pigs but he got scared. 

 Our little cowboy
At church this week they did not have toddler childcare so we ended up in the parents room with another family. First Judah stole Mia's snacks and then the other little boy decided he wanted in on the snacks. So cute how cute they were to share.