Sunday, April 6, 2014

Week 14

 I am on spring break so we got to go to the Children's Museum this week. Judah thought he owned the place and had a blast!

Judah loves being with Joshua when he works on projects. He has to hold his tools just like dad.

Judah has also discovered how fun pots and pans are. It reminds me of me and my sisters growing up

Week 13

We celebrated Grandpa Rick and Great Grandma Shadle's birthdays this week and Judah got to go to his first musical Pinocchio at Allison's school. He loved the singing and dancing. He is way up front if you can't find him. 

Judah is obsessed with his frog and Moose. They get to sleep with him every night

Judah is learning to feed himself and loves using fork and spoon. I thought he could handle yogurt while we got ready for church but was gravely mistaken!

Week 12

We had a nice day out so Judah got to play outside 

 Now that Joshua has his real estate license he can go in houses for sale. He has been taking Judah on practice showings.

 Our friend Katie did Joshua's photos for his business cards. While there she took this cute one of Judah