Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week 11

Joshua did TWO new things with Judah this week… one he let him walk in the store and two he bought him something… eek. He sure is cute loving his balloon though. All week we have heard "balloon"

Week 10

This week I finally used my birthday money from August to buy a bike. We were able to get out for one ride while the weather was decent. I can't wait to get out more this spring/summer.

Judah got his first real haircut this week. We tried to do it home and he threw a fit so we had to take him in. He hated it!

Week 9

I (allison) was able to spend the weekend at a ladies retreat with our church so Joshua had a guys weekend with Judah.

They kicked it off with pizza

pancake breakfast 


ummm… according to Joshua they were shopping for a purse for me and Judah got a little side tracked… ohh my

And they finished the weekend with play time with cousin Mia

The most exciting news from the weekend is Judah learned to say football. He is obsessed with balls

Week 8

Judah has gotten extremely picky with what he eats… carbs and carbs so we struggle to make meals for him. He also has gotten pickier in how he eats. He loves using the fork himself and making a big mess!

This week we went on a family date night at Wild Wings. Judah decided to use his sign language to ask for a hat. It is so cute watching him express himself!

 Judah LOVES his daddy and doing everything with him. Got a lesson in plumbing tonight