Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Week 4

This week Joshua took his real estate exam and passed. He is now a broker with Keller Williams! On Saturday we took Judah out in the beautiful weather for a little walk and to play in the park. It was the first time he got to walk instead of ride in the stroller. What a blast!

Judah did not understand he needed to be on the sidewalk at first but he got the hang of it

2014 Week 3

This week Joshua and I decided to take a break from our school work and have a family trip to Mount Rainier. We wanted to take Judah tubing and snowshoeing. We were so blessed with wonderful weather. Judah LOVED tubing. He kept trying to call back in when we would take him out. I love that we have an adventurous boy.

On Sunday Joshua went to Nate's going away party and we finished the week watching the Seahawks Championship game at the Fore's. It has been a long time since we yelled so much. It was a GREAT time!

2014 week 2

This week we watched the Seahawks game at our friend Jen and Jd's. So fun watching your team when hanging out with friends. When we got back from their house we discovered that the wind storm had blown down our fence! Joshua had already fixed the fence twice and this time a post that had rotted broke in half.
Judah decided to hang out in the sink while I made dinner.
Also this week Joshua finished his real estate course. He takes the test in two weeks to get his license! We can not wait.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 Week 1

Happy New Year
We celebrated the new year with my sisters, mom, and Joy and Tony Cook at the Fores house. We had Tacos, played games and headed home at 1030 (so lame I know). We of course didn't take any pictures except one of Judah enjoying a taco. He is so silly these days. He refused to eat any of the individual items in his taco but was thrilled to eat them all wrapped together. 

This week Joshua also made contact with two of his cousins that he has not met. We found out that they live in Oregon and are hoping to meet them in person this spring or summer!

Judah is teething this week so he has been struggling with napping so we went on a saturday we went on a walk to calm him down. Oh the cuteness of this little guy. 

On Sunday Joshua stayed home with Judah to allow me to go get some homework done before returning to school. 

This past week Judah has blown us away with how quickly he picks up new things. It just all seemed to come together at once. Judah currently signs : Dog, please, thank you, all done, more, eat, milk, shoes, book, and teeth brushing. He knows a handful more but doesn't do them back yet. My favorite new thing he learned is how to pick up his dirty diaper, go to the kitchen trash and throw it in. Now if he could just learn to use the toilette....... I can dream right :)