Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 57: Milestones

This was a HUGE week of milestones. On Sunday Judah stood on his own. Joshua was playing with him and he was holding Joshua's phone and just let go. Then on Tuesday he waved goodbye to me when I dropped him off at childcare and when I picked him up our nanny let us know he was holding onto the couch and turned and took a few steps.  He has been standing for short bursts all week now. His favorite is to stand ON the couch and let go and jump up and down until he falls. Who needs standing when you can jump! Of course we have no pictures of any of this but it all happened! We did get a picture of when he decided to crawl into the drawer. He thought he was so funny.

Also I forgot to post about it last week but Judah started saying ball. He loves balls and he saw some boys throwing a  football in Costco and looked over and said Ball. Speaking of balls this week we went to Chucky Cheese for a family night out event my school did and I was so disappointed to see the ball pit gone. We did carry Judah up into the tubes so he could crawl around but he hated it and clinged to us.

 He did however love the pizza there but only when we gave him the whole slice. When we tried to give it to him in pieces he shook his head no and refused. He handled the whole piece like a champ.

And he was very excited to play skeeball. This kid with the balls. 
On Friday Joshua and I met up with the Fores for a date night at the 
Switchfoot Fading West movie and EP show. It was excellent. Blessed to be able to attend!

On Sunday Judah suckered me into buying this nerf ball at the grocery store (and so it begins) but he made it worth it by playing with it during the Seahwaks game today! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 56: Tree Farm and SEAHAWKS

On Monday at our Housegroup all four kids were there with us. When one eats they all need to eat so we got this priceless shot of the toodlers :)
 Judah Loves hanging out with Grandma Barb
 On Saturday the Fores, Cooks, and Grandma Barb got together to go to the Double Tree Farm for early tree selection. That's right we pre-pick our tree in November. This family does not mess around with Christmas ;)

 Grandma Barb was worried about him being cold so she wrapped him in her scarf. Hysterical
 Judah helps daddy decorate the tree

 On Sunday the families got together again to watch the Seahawks bring in another win!!!!

Week 55: Halloween

This year Judah and I went to North Star Trick or Trunk. My co-worker said I could help hand out candy at her car if I dress up. So I used my Jesse costume from a few years ago and brought my little chick with me :)
 On Halloween we stayed home and handed out candy. We let Judah try his first candy bar (twix) which lead to random screaming the rest of the night. But he did like putting candy into trick or treaters bags!

Week 54: Game night and pumpkin carving

This week we got together with our friends Evan, Ali, and Adeline Hanson. We carved pumpkins and played games with them. We like getting together with them because they own these great strategy games we have never heard of and its something new each time!

Week 53: Friends

My old roommate Ashley came into town this weekend so we met up with her for a late dinner. Poor Judah was so tired but was happy to snuggle with her.

 Cousin time at the Pumpkin Patch