Monday, October 14, 2013


 I can not believe a year has already gone by. It seems like such a short time ago I was eating spicy food praying I would go into labor and now we are preparing to start the second year with our precious boy. This week we did a practice cake and smash, went to his cousin Elke's 1st birthday party, went to the pumpkin patch with Kaaryn and the Cooks and had Judah's party.

These are my last pics of my little red head before daddy gave him a short hair cut

He was so proud of himself sitting on the pumpkin!

These cuties at their cousin Elke's party

Check out how many kids are in this picture. It was like a present free for all. So funny

Week 51: ABC Day

This week we took Judah to the All Bethel Community Day. He had a blast watching performances (particularly the junior cheerleaders.... I think it was the pom pom's) Loved the Seahawks booth, and his favorite was the balloon animals. He flipped when we took that away from him.

Week:50 House projects

So the white paint has continued to be put on items in my house including a total kitchen redo, trim, and white doors. Joshua is spending a lot of time painting.
 Judah looks a little bored of shopping.