Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 49: Go Hawks

Sometimes when you are eating things get crazy and the next thing you know you have milk in your eye. #babyproblems

How things work at my house.... Conversation while I'm looking at receipts and budgeting.

Allison: Why did you buy a 5 gallon bucket of white paint for only 5 doors

Joshua: Because you paint five doors, then you get more doors, then you want to do the trim, and another project and next thing you know you have gone back and bought 3 one gallon buckets for the same price it was to buy a five gallon bucket. 

Allison: We are not doing the trim forever

Joshua: Yeah but we do want to paint that corner shelf and the kitchen cabinets

Allison: Oh yeah you should do that

Joshua: Today??

And thats how I ended up with a white corner shelf and ALL of the kitchen doors in the garage drying out with new white paint on them.

We finished the week watching the Seahawks. Now that Joshua is done with school we have a little more time on our hands and have been enjoying Sunday family time watching the games.

                                 YAY TOUCHDOWN                        COME ON DEFENSE

                             WHAT JAGS SCORED?                      HAWKS TOUCHDOWN!

Week 49: Happy 11 months and family camping

This week we went to Lake Wenatchee with my sisters and their families. We had a great weekend of bike riding, swimming, playing games, and fellowship by the fire.

Joshua got me musical tickets for my birthday. He got a great deal and we had front section seat at the 5th Avenue Theater!

Week 48: Fair

This week I went back to work. Have to get used to a busier schedule again. We fit in time this week for Abby Kemp and the Puyallup fair (yes I'm still going to call it the Puyallup)

 The fair wore him out!

 Harvesting our garden

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 47: Bowling and Cascades camping

This is my last week before going back to work and was Kristians last week here before heading back to Florida. We decided to go bowling on his last night. I am terrible at bowling so I decided to have fun with our names to make it more interesting. 


Joshua and I spent the holiday weekend camping with the Cooks in the Cascades. Krista and I went over early to get a spot and the boys joined us the next day. We were going to do a bunch of hiking but Krista got hurt trying to left Tristan onto a log. He got scared and kicked off knocking them both down and she hurt her foot. So instead we did more relaxing, reading, playing games, and looking at falls close to the rode.

Week 46: Playing around

This week Judah discovered the football when we were hanging out in the garage. He was so excited to play with it and chase it around the garage. 

 This week we got together with our friends to play games. We love having gaming friends!

On Sunday we were watching Mia Lou and decided to go to church with both kiddos. When we got there we found out that the childcare staff did not show up so Joshua and I took both kids into the parents room. It did not go well because both kiddos decided they only wanted me and they did not want to share.
After church we went to Grandma's to celebrate August birthdays and had some cousin time

Week 45: Happy 10th Month

This week we celebrated Joshua's birthday and Judah turned 10 months. For Joshua's birthday I cooked a nice dinner at home and later that night I got EXTREMELY sick. In the morning Joshua got very sick and later that afternoon Kristian got sick. So I was convinced I gave us food poisoning. Until I found that that 4 other people from the small group we went to on Monday were sick too. Thanks goodness :)