Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 37: Cousin Love

My summer break officially started this week and I am so excited to get to spend all summer with Judah. We kicked off our first day watching Mia Lou. I decided to try and give a bath to both kids at the same time. It was the first time either kiddo had a bath in the tub and of course first time together. Judah thought it was great and played with the toys and loved splashing. Mia did not think it was cool to have her cousin splash her in the face. Woops.

 After bath time is was time to eat. I put both kiddos down to make their bottles and apparently they were hungry cause they both started crying. Me being the good mom I am ;) grabbed my camera and started taking pics instead of feeding them. They are just so cute. Can you believe she is 3 months older? Look at the width on my kiddo.
Friday Judah and I left with Grandma Barb, Aunt Krista, and Cousin Tristan to spend the week in Idaho at the family condo. Saturday we played Mini Golf, went for a walk, and Judah swam for the first time! He loved splashing, kicking, and paddling his arms. He even handled dunking like a champ!

 Tristan enjoyed pushing Judah in the stroller on the walk

On Sunday we went on a hike. I tried Judah in the Bjorn and he was too heavy so I switched too the moby and I think he is to big for that as well. He threw a fit when I tried to get him in and he was not happy about it. I didn't get him in very well because he was wiggling around. I guess we need to pack those away and get out the hiking backpack. 

 Judah is having such a good time playing with Tristan. He gets so happy when Tristan will play by him and he tries to crawl on him :)
So far while we are gone Joshua has helped Kaaryn and Willie move and went Kayaking with Michael.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week 36: Judah LOVES Daddy

Judah is so close to crawling. He is trying really hard and gets frustrated when it does not work

On Friday we celebrated Fathers day for Grandpa Rick at Emerald Downs. Judah discovered bread and  LOVED trying to eat it!

We celebrated fathers day for Joshua at Gasworks park and paddle boarding in Ballard. 

Week 35: Happy Birthday everybody

This week we celebrated 4 birthdays!

Happy Birthday

Aunt Krista
 Uncle Willie

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 34: No rest for the weary

Judah continued to struggle with sleeping this week. There were a few days a stumbled to work feeling like a had a newborn again. Between his tooth, new cold, and growth spurt sleeping was a bit rough.

Joshua stopped on the way home to pick me wild flowers. Judah thought they were pretty neat.

Now that Judah can sit on his own he loves going through his toy basket and dumping them all out.

Over the weekend we got our gardens planted. I am really anxious to see if anything will grow! Joshua also cleared the side yard so we could park my moms old tent trailer. 

We also made time to go out for a family date. Judah tried his first tortilla. This week he also ate watermelon, cauliflower, and rice for the first time. The watermelon was the most interesting because he would put it in his mouth, suck out the juices, and then spit it out. Clever boy

Week 33: Memorial day camping

This week has been trying with Judah's new tooth. Our normally sweet natured baby has been grumpy at times and having a hard time sleeping through the night. But with this cute face who really cares :)

We had a great four day weekend camping with the Fores and Cooks but could have done without the rain!

 Sleepy time 
 Boat time

Game time
 Snuggle time